Secustrip keeps burglars out

Secustrip keeps burglars out

Any burglar with a little experience will have an unsecured front or back door open within a minute. He does this by inserting a crowbar, screwdriver or pass between door and doorframe. You make it a lot harder for a burglar by having security strips installed on your doors by Locksmith 365. For feeling safe and less likely to be stolen.

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Your personal belongings behind lock and secustrip

Do you want your personal belongings to be safe when you are out the door or sleeping? Then choose to have secustrips installed on your doors and windows.

What is a secustrip?

A secustrip is a system consisting of two steel strips attached to the door and to the frame. When you close the door, the two strips hook together. This leaves no space between the door and the frame. A secu strip can also be attached to windows, of course.

What is a secustrip for?

Secu strips prevent unwanted visitors, such as burglars, from entering your home. Because there is no more space between the door and frame, it is impossible to pry open the door with a screwdriver, crowbar or pass.

Various types of secustrips

Secustrips come in different varieties for every situation. Locksmith 365 is happy to explain some of them for you.

Do you have inward or outward opening doors?

The front door usually turns inward and the back door usually turns outward.

There are secustrips suitable for inward-turning doors. This is secustrip type 1 or 2.
In addition, there are secu strips for outward opening doors. This is secu strip type 3.

With outward swinging doors, there is often a setback. Setback is the number of millimeters the door is recessed into the frame.


  • Secu strip 3t5 is suitable for outward opening (rear) doors with a recession of 3 to 5 mm.
  • Secu strip 3t8 is suitable for outward opening (rear) doors with 6 to 8 mm recession.
  • Secu strip 3t20 is suitable for outward opening (rear) doors with 18 to 20 mm rebate.
  • Secu strip 3t23 is suitable for outward opening (rear) doors with a recession of 21 to 23 mm.

Don’t have a straight window frame?

Secustrip front door

If you don’t have a straight window frame, you can find special secustrips for that. Secustrip type 2 can be installed on a slightly less straight and tight window frame. Secustrip type 1 is even suitable for mounting on warped and uneven window frames.

Do you have sliding doors?

There are secustrips that are great for mounting on sliding doors and sliding windows. This is secustrip type 2.

Secustrips installation and more services from Locksmith 365

As a locksmith, we have a wide range of services to offer you. We are happy to introduce you to all the situations where you need our service.

Situation 1

Your Situation: You are locked out . The keys are still on the inside of the door or you simply forgot to take them out. You will not enter your home.
Our solution: enlist the professional help of Locksmith 365, and we will be on site within 30 minutes. We will open your door within 8 minutes with suitable locksmith equipment without damaging your door.

Situation 2

Your situation: You have lost or lost your keys. You no longer enter your home.
Our solution: locksmith 365 will come to you as soon as possible to open your door without forcing it.

Situation 3

Your situation: Your key has broken off in the lock . The door no longer unlocks, but it also won’t lock because your key has broken off.
Our solution: locksmith 365 will come directly to you and be at your doorstep within 30 minutes. We replace your lock for a new one.

Situation 4

Your situation: Your door lock is broken. You are outside and you cannot get back inside. Or you want to leave, but can’t manage to lock the door.
Our solution: We repair your lock   or install a new lock if the old lock is beyond repair.

Situation 5

Your situation: You feel your home is not safe enough and you want to take measures.

Our solution: through burglary prevention we make your home a safe living environment again.

Situation 6

Your situation: Your keys have been stolen. You feel unsafe because a burglar could just enter your home.
Our solution: We replace all your locks quickly and professionally so that your home can withstand a break-in.

Situation 7

Your situation: You have experienced a burglary . Your locks are destroyed.
Our solution: We will come to you as soon as possible. We know how annoying it is when someone has paid an unwanted visit to your home. We repair locks with break-in damage. Through burglary prevention, you prevent another break-in.

Situation 8

Your situation: You want all your locks to be openable with the same key. Or in other words, that they are equal-locking.
Our solution: We make all your locks equal-locking . As a result, the locks on your front door, back door and shed, for example, can be opened with the same key.

Our Target Group

Our services are well suited to a wide audience. We are locksmiths for:

  • individuals
  • companies
  • tourists
  • expats
  • airbnb

Where does Locksmith 365 operate?

You will benefit from our services even if you live in one of these surrounding towns of Amsterdam:

What makes Locksmith 365 so special

  • We have a lot of satisfied customers
  • We can be reached 24 hours a day
  • We are guaranteed to be at your doorstep within 30 minutes
  • We are experts in burglary prevention
  • We always carry the right parts and appropriate tools
  • We work extremely skillfully and efficiently
  • We provide you with lots of extra service
  • We perform our work 100% damage-free

Contact details

Would you like to contact Locksmith 365? We are easily accessible by phone at the following number: +31 85 301 3285.

We are happy to come to your home as soon as possible to install a secu strip on your windows and doors. Make an appointment.

Our address: Alblasstraat 11-1, 1079 ZG, Amsterdam.

Frequently asked questions about secustrips


What is a secustrip?

A secustrip consists of two steel strips that attach to a door or window. When you close the window or door, they hook together.

With a secustrip, you prevent a burglary in which a pass is flipped or the burglar uses a crowbar or screwdriver to force the door. So it is very wise to purchase secustrips if you want to keep burglars out.

Besides installing secu strips, what measures can I apply to prevent a burglary?

Other burglary prevention actions we recommend to our customers:

  • Have security locks installed by Locksmith 365
  • Choose locks that possess the SKG seal of approval
  • Provide lighting at both front and back doors
  • Have an alarm system installed

Are there different types of secu strips?

Yes. No door or window is the same, which is why there are many different secu strips. Among others, for inward and outward swinging doors, for doors and windows with warped frames and for sliding doors.

Inward or outward-turning doors
There is a difference between secustrips for inward-turning doors and windows and for outward-turning doors and windows. The back door is often an outward swinging door. The front door is often an inward swinging door.

Do you have an outward swinging door? Then you should note that there may be a setback. Setback includes the number of millimeters the door is recessed into the frame.

Secustrip 3t5 is suitable for outward opening (rear) doors with a recession of 3 to 5 mm.
Secustrip 3t8 is suitable for outward opening (rear) doors with 6 to 8 mm rebate.
Secustrip 3t20 is suitable for outward opening (rear) doors with 18 to 20 mm rebate.
Secustrip 3t23 is suitable for outward opening (rear) doors with a rebate of 21 to 23 mm.

No straight frame
There are secustrips suitable for installation on a somewhat less straight and tight window frame. (Secustrip type 2)
Some secustrips are even suitable for mounting on warped and uneven window frames. (Secustrip type 1)

Sliding doors
Then there are secustrips suitable for sliding doors and sliding windows. (Secustrip type 2)

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it cost to replace a lock?
Without knowing your situation, it is difficult to tell what the lock replacement cost will be. However, we can tell you that a common cylinder replace in Amsterdam costs about 75 – 80 euros including everything. However, the total and final price lock replacement is only known when we are aware of your situation.

What exactly is core pulling, or cylinder pulling?
Core pulling/cylinder pulling involves pulling the core/cylinder out of the lock. As a result, the lock loses its function. After a few small actions, burglars are in your home or building in no time. You can have your home or property secured for this purpose to prevent burglary.

How to defend against cylinder lock pulling?lock
Call Locksmith 365. We install anti-niche cylinders and security fittings with anti-niche protection, with the SKG seal of approval. These security locksmake nuclear tugging impossible. You feel 100% safe and you leave your own home or property with peace of mind.

Which anti-niche cylinder or hardware should I choose? b
It doesn’t matter much which brand you buy an anti-knockout cylinder or security hardware with a core pull protection. However, it is important that they have an SKG seal of approval. Anti-knock cylinders and fittings with this seal are extra secure against core pulling.

What is an anti-burglar strip?An anti-burglar strip is a rock-solid barrier against a burglary in home or business premises. This system consists of two steel strips attached to door or window and frame. They hook together when closing door or window.

With anti-intrusion strips, it is no longer possible to get between door and doorframe or window and window frame on the outside with tools or passes to open door or window. So make sure you don’t get left out.

Are there different brands of mortise locks?

Yes, there are different front door locks such as, Nemef, Lips, Fiam, Ivana, Ikon and Zaso mortise locks. In most cases, these mortise locks come with an SKG logo.

Besides installing anti-burglar strips, what measures can I take in terms of burglary prevention?

Other measures we recommend in addition to anti-burglary strips and anti-knocking cylinders and PKVW seals to prevent a burglary are the following:

  • Go for security locks
  • Choose locks with the SKG seal of approval
  • Purchase an alarm system
  • Anti-Kickback

We are the locksmith for when you are locked out, have lost your keys or need other help with your locks. We are 24 hours a day available, 7 days in the week



Need help?

Do not hesitate and do not hesitate and contact us. We are happy to help you.

Scope of work

Do you live or are you temporarily in the Amsterdam area and are you looking for a locksmith? Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is ready for you, day and night. Moreover, Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is on site within 30 minutes.


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