After Burglary At Home Have Burglary Damage Repaired

After Burglary At Home Have Burglary Damage Repaired

Burglary damage repair

Broken into house what next? Strangers have been in your home, valuables have been taken, your privacy has been invaded and you are left with burglary damage. This is all very annoying.

What to do in case of burglary? Repairing burglary damage is what Locksmith Amsterdam 365 likes to do for you. We understand that you don’t want to wait days to replace locks. Chances are you no longer feel safe in your home. That’s why we help you get rid of your problem quickly.

Residential burglary? That’s why you let locksmith 365 repair burglary damage

Burglary Damage Repair

  • Repair of all types of locks with breakage damage
  • On site within 30 minutes
  • Available day and night
  • 100% damage-free burglary damage restoration
  • Experience with all types of locks

What to do in case of burglary in Amsterdam or its surroundings?

Broken into house what next? Call 911 if you suspect the perpetrators are still in the area. If you live in Amsterdam or the Amsterdam area, then contact Locksmith 365. We work in the following places:

What to do after burglary?

Repair damage after home burglary

There has been a break-in what now? Have your home’s locks been forced? What to do in case of burglary? Meet the “what to do in case of burglary” roadmap. Then you will know immediately what to do in case of burglary.

Step 1: You are in the following situation: A burglary has occurred what next? Your lock is destroyed and you no longer feel safe in your home.
Step 2: Contact Locksmith 365 at telephone number 06-19377776. We are available day and night. You explain your problem.
Step 3: Within 30 minutes, an experienced and skilled locksmith will be on site. The question: ‘what to do in case of burglary’ can always be answered by the locksmith, as we have 7 years of experience.
Step 4: We repair or replace your lock quickly, efficiently and 100% damage-free.
Step 5: Through a special check, we verify that you are actually the owner of the house or commercial property.
Step 6: You benefit from lots of extra service. If you wish, we will gladly provide you with anti-burglary advice to prevent another burglary.
Step 7: You pay a fixed low price for the work performed. You pay the amount in cash, pin or by manual transfer.
Step 8: You quickly resume your daily activities when the locksmith leaves. You then benefit from up to 12 months warranty on all workmanship.

Lower the chances of another burglary 

There are a number of ways to reduce the chances of a burglary in your home. Make breaking into your home more difficult by taking four key measures.

  1. Have an alarm system installed in your home
  2. Choose security locks
  3. Make sure your locks have an SKG seal of approval
  4. Have your home meet the requirements of the Police Mark Secure Housing

1. Have an alarm system installed in your home
If an alarm goes off the moment someone tries to break into your home, they will be gone quickly. An alarm system will scare burglars if they enter your home.

Your alarm should go off only when an actual break-in occurs. You should be able to move around your own home as normal. In addition, it is important that the police be alerted quickly to burglars.

Choose a certified and reliable security company when you have an alarm system installed in your home. There are two main certifications in the field of security companies:
-VEB: The certificate of the Association of European Security Companies.
-The deposit certificate from the Center for Crime Prevention and Safety.

2. Choose security locks
If you have a burglar alarm installed, it is still important to have good locks on your doors. If burglars can easily enter your home due to poor locks, a burglar alarm is not of much use. Therefore, choose security locks. These are equipped with security hardware. Fittings are the metal that surrounds the lock. With security hardware, there are no screws on the outside of the lock. This makes unscrewing the shield from the outside impossible.

Various security locks:

  • Accessory locks: locks that you place with the main lock. Burglars will find it even harder to get in because of this.
  • Slip-on locks: locks that are visibly on the inside of the door and are difficult to force.
  • Multi-point locks: locks that can be operated from one point, but which lock the door at several points.<
  • Recessed locks: locks that are small but burglar-resistant. They are recessed in the door.

3. Make sure your locking devices have an SKG seal of approval.
A break-in usually lasts only half a minute. In many cases, a burglar is long gone before the police arrive. Therefore, go for secure hardware.

Choose hardware that has a seal of approval from the Foundation for Quality Facade Construction (SKG). The Building Quality Foundation is a completely independent organization that tests, inspects and certifies locks.

SKG sets high standards for locks. There are many ways to test whether the locks are secure. If the locks pass the tests brilliantly, they receive a seal of approval (a sticker with a logo), otherwise they do not.

A logo from the Foundation for Quality Facade Construction can have one, two or three stars. What is the significance of those stars?

  • 1 star: burglar-resistant
  • 2 stars: heavy burglar resistance
  • 3 stars: extra heavy burglar resistance

4. Make sure your home meets the Police Quality Mark for Safe Living
The Foundation for Quality Facade Construction works with the Police Quality Mark for Safe Living. The Politie Keurmerk Veilig Wonen is a quality mark in the Netherlands and Belgium. The Politie Keurmerk Veilig Wonen looks at whether homes meet security and burglary prevention requirements. If so, a sticker is placed visibly at front and back doors.

In homes that meet this seal, it takes at least three minutes longer for a burglar to enter. So you make it a lot more difficult for a burglar and there is a greater chance that the burglar will be caught by a passerby.

You get a Police Quality Mark Secure Living if you meet the following requirements:

  • There is lighting at the front door.
  • There is a good view of a visitor standing at the front door.
  • All windows and doors that a burglar can reach are adequately secured.
  • Approved smoke detectors are installed on each floor.
  • The resident was informed about burglary prevention.

Other measures
In addition to these four major, major measures, there are a number of smaller measures to take:

  • Never hide your keys outside under a doormat or flower pot.
  • Do not hang an address label on your keys.
  • Buy a safe to put important, valuable items in.
  • Place lights in areas around your home.
  • Remove ladders and containers around your home. Those make it easy to get in.

How can Locksmith 365 help you?

New hardware is an essential part of burglary damage repair and burglary prevention. Locksmith 365 is a locksmith expert. We will install new, secure locks for you so that your home will have excellent security against burglary from now on.

In addition to repairing burglary damage and applying burglary prevention by installing new locks, we also serve you with:

  • Opening your door. For example, if you have lost your key or it has broken off in the lock.
  • Repairing locks. If your lock is broken or no longer works optimally.

Get to know all the benefits of Locksmith Amsterdam 365

24/7 available

Always reachable
Do you need us in the middle of the night? Early in the morning or late at night? Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is always awake and available to help you out. So above all, call us day or night.

Within 30 minutes at your home
Would you like to be helped quickly? Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is soon on location. We are guaranteed to be at your door within 30 minutes.

The right equipment with us
We open, repair and replace locks quickly and efficiently. This is because we always carry the right, state-of-the-art equipment.

100% damage free
Afraid of damaging your door? No worries. We work 100% damage-free.

Familiar with all types of locks
Due to our years of experience, we are familiar with all types of locks. Repairing burglary damage and installing new locks is not a difficulty for us.

Over 7 years of experience
Thanks to 7 years of experience, Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is a true expert in the field of locks. Over 10,000 Amsterdam residents have gone before you.

Efficient, skilled working method
Locksmith Amsterdam 365 employs an efficient, skilled working method. If you let us replace or repair your lock, you can be sure it will be done right.

Fixed low price
You benefit from the fixed low prices of Locksmith Amsterdam 365. A fixed low day rate and a fixed low night rate.

Fixed low price

Various payment options
At Locksmith Amsterdam 365, you have a choice of payment options. You decide whether to pay by cash, pin or iDeal.

Lots of service
Enjoy lots of extra service. A friendly locksmith will always come to you and be happy to give you complete satisfaction. For example, we’ll help you get rid of a squeaky or sticking door, but we’re also happy to provide you with free anti-burglary advice to prevent another break-in.

Many satisfied customers have gone before you

In recent years, Locksmith Amsterdam 365 has helped tens of thousands of customers, including burglary damage restoration. They were very satisfied with our work.


Want to prevent a break-in? Do you have any questions about our methods or about our burglar-resistant hardware? Then call Locksmith 365 at phone number: 06-19377776.

Address: Alblasstraat 11-1
Zip code: 1079 ZG
Location: Amsterdam

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it cost toreplacelock?
Without knowing your situation, it is difficult to tell what the lock replacement cost are. However, we can tell you that a common cylinder replacement in Amsterdam about 75 – 80 euros cost including everything. The total and final price lock replacement , however, is not known until we are aware of your situation.

What exactly is core pulling, or cylinder pulling?
With core pulling cylinder pull the core/cylinder out of the lock. As a result, the lock loses its function. After a few small actions, burglars are in your home or building in no time. You can have your home or property used for this purpose secure toprevent break-ins.

How to defend against cylinder lock pulling?lock
Call Locksmith 365. We install anti-niche cylinders and security fittings with anti-niche protection, with the SKG seal of approval. These security locksmake core pulling impossible. You feel 100% safe and you leave your own home or property with peace of mind.

Which anti-niche cylinder or hardware should I choose? b
It doesn’t matter much what brand you buy an anti-knockout cylinder or security hardware with a core pull protection . However, it is important that they have a Have SKG seal of approval . Anti-knock cylinders and fittings with this seal are extra secure against core pulling.

What is an anti-intrusion strip?anti-intrusion strip is an ironclad barrier against a burglary in home or business premises. This system consists of two steel strips attached to door or window and frame. They hook together when closing door or window.

With anti-intrusion strips it is no longer possible to get between door and doorframe or window and window frame on the outside with tools or passes to door or window  opening. So make sure you don’t excluded become.

Are there different brands of mortise locks?

Yes, there are various front door locks such as, Nemef, Lips, Fiam, Ivana, Ikon and Zaso pen locks. This mortise locks are in most cases marked with an SKG logo.

Besides installing anti-burglar strips, what measures can I take in terms of burglary prevention?

Other measures that we recommend to you in addition to anti-burglary and anti-burglary cylinders and PKVW seals of approval to prevent a burglary are the following:

  • Go for security locks
  • Choose locks with the SKG seal of approval
  • Purchase an alarm system
  • Anti-Kickback

We are the locksmith for when you are locked out, have lost your keys or need other help with your locks. We are 24 hours a day available, 7 days in the week



Need help?

Do not hesitate and do not hesitate and contact us. We are happy to help you.

Scope of work

Do you live or are you temporarily in the Amsterdam area and are you looking for a locksmith? Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is ready for you, day and night. Moreover, Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is on site within 30 minutes.


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