Anti burglary: the best tips can be found here

Anti burglary: the best tips can be found here

A burglar usually enters your home through the front or back door. It is therefore important to secure your entrance doors with burglar-proof door locks. Replace your old easily forced locks with secure new locks. Would you like to make your own replace door lock? Here you will get a handy roadmap for each type of lock.


Burglars are divided into 2 groups:

  • Professional burglars: These are burglars with a lot of experience. They are usually part of a large organization. They know what they are doing and prepare well. Professional burglars use sophisticated tools that little can withstand.
  • Occasional burglars: Occasional burglars are responsible for the vast majority of burglaries. An occasional burglar makes little or no preparation for his or her burglary. These burglars look where they can get in quickly without getting caught. At most, they carry simple tools, such as a hand drill.

You don’t have much to fear from professional burglars, unless you live in a large villa. Occasional burglars are the biggest problem. Fortunately, occasional burglars are easily deterred.

Watch a short video about the occasional burglar below.


Burglary methods and what to do about them

There are a number of methods that casual burglars like to use to get in:


Burglars insert a pass between the door and the doorframe. With this, they try to depress the latch bolt. When the latch bolt is depressed, the door opens easily.

On the side of your lock, you can see that there are 2 parts of your lock sticking out. At the top is the latch and below is the deadbolt.

What prevents flipping? By locking your door. Indeed, in that case, flipping is not possible.

Cylinder breakdown

In our country, many doors are secured with a cylinder lock. Unfortunately, burglars love cylinder locks because they are easy to force.

Criminals use special tools that put a lot of pressure on the cylinder. By the way, a cylinder is part of the lock, a metal tube into which the keyhole falls. The pressure causes the cylinder to break off. The cylinder is pulled out of the lock. The burglar gives a small push against the door and walks right in.

Replace your lock. Choose a new lock with SKG certification with at least 2 stars.


Anti-burglary sensitizing home to burglars

Nothing is more wonderful than fresh air, especially when it’s hot. In the summer, open windows and doors nice and wide. Unfortunately, there are criminals lurking to get through your open door or window to sneak or creep.

Even from a trip upstairs, burglars take advantage. On average, a burglary lasts only 30 seconds. If they also don’t have to break your lock, criminals are even faster. Your wallet is on the table. You go upstairs for a moment and your wallet is gone.

Close your windows and doors every time you leave or go upstairs, and preferably lock them as well.

The chatterbox

Burglars have another way by which they can get inside your home without having to s a lock or a door.  One or more criminals ring your doorbell and have concocted a story that allows them to enter your home. In an unguarded moment, they steal your property.

Always be suspicious of people you do not know. If someone says he or she is from a particular company, ask for proof of identity.

Pull out cylinder

There are certain tools that burglars can use to pull your cylinder out of your cylinder lock at once  your cylinder out of the lock.

Have locks installed with an SKG seal of approval with at least 2 stars. With these locks, cylinder withdrawal is very difficult or even impossible.


This method uses a curved clothes hanger. A burglar sticks the clothes hanger through the mailbox and pushes the door handle down.

Angling only works if your door is unlocked. Always lock your front and back door.

Breaking your window or your door

Forcibly opening your window or door by kicking it hard.

Put extra locks on your doors and windows to reinforce them.

Burglary prevention

There are a number of preventive measures that can significantly reduce the chances of a burglary :

  • Don’t hide keys outside for when you locked out are, or under the mat of the door. Expect burglars to find the keys.
  • Make sure accessible access doors are not hidden behind plants, sheds or other obstacles.
  • Are you going on vacation? Have neighbors or someone else you trust put away your mail. That way it looks like someone is in the house.
  • Some criminals read obituaries carefully to find out when people are away from home. Are you attending a funeral? Then have someone you trust watch your home. So that even at such times they can make your home can break open.
  • Place your valuables out of sight. Small valuables (such as jewelry and securities) are safest in a safe.
  • Don’t forget to adequately secure against burglary. If that is possible, criminals will try to enter through your upper floor.
  • Install a timer when you are on vacation. Your lights come on at a certain time. That way, your house will make a lived-in impression.
  • Accessory locks are additional locks for the front door. A mortise lock front door is a form of burglary protection. The pin lock is opened by a large long key. There are several pin lock brands, of course these are all unlockable by locksmith 365.

An anti-intrusion strip: the perfect remedy against burglars

anti-intrusion strip aims to stop unwanted intruders at the door or window. If you provide doors and windows with anti-intrusion strips it is not possible to get between the door and doorframe or window and window frame on the outside with a crowbar, screwdriver or other tool.

Your door or window remains unopened, even to the most experienced burglar. In other words, with an anti-intrusion strip, you will prevent a break-in.

Alarm System

A burglar alarm provides for a sound signal if someone enters your home. Usually an alarm system is connected to a central monitoring station. Where the police or security is alerted immediately. With any luck, the police are quick enough to catch the burglar in the act. This is important because only 5 percent of burglaries are solved.

An alarm system has both advantages and disadvantages. The benefits of an alarm system are:

  • Burglars willavoid your home   if they see that an alarm system has been installed.
  • A burglar alarm has a preventive effect. A burglar is startled by the sound the alarm makes and flees.
  • You often get a discount on your contents insurance with an alarm system.
  • An alarm makes you feel safe.

The disadvantages of an alarm system are:

  • The restriction on your freedom of movement. You should disable the alarm system if you are having a party late at night, for example.
  • There is always the risk of unnecessary alarms.
  • You often pay quite a bit in purchase and possibly subscription fees.


Locks are the linchpin of burglary protection. Not only is it important that your doors have good locks. After all, criminals also break your windows. Some locks are much easier to force than others. Very solid locks that burglars have a lot of trouble with are called security locks.

Security locks

You can easily recognize security locks. These burglar-proof locks have a special seal of approval, the SKG seal of approval.

SKG stands for Foundation for Quality Facade Construction. This organization puts itself in the shoes of a burglar. An SKG employee uses several methods to get a lock open. The big question is: how long does a lock survive. The SKG also gives a lock 1, 2 or 3 stars:

  • 1 star: burglar-resistant, it takes less than 3 minutes for a lock to fail.
  • 2 stars: heavy burglar resistance, it takes longer than 3 minutes for a lock to fail.
  • 3 stars: extra heavy burglar resistance, it takes longer than 5 minutes for a lock to fail.

Police Hallmark Safe Housing

Having security locks is a requirement for certification Safe Housing of the Politie Keurmerk Veilig Wonen. This is an organization with companies throughout the Netherlands and Belgium.

At an SKG company, you will get a lot of information about the securing your home and about the measures required to obtain a Safe House certificate. Why would you want the certificate at all? It has 2 major advantages:

  • You get a discount on your contents insurance.
  • You are 50% less likely to be burglarized.

What other work does Locksmith 365 perform?

In addition to placing anti-knuckle cylinders and security locks with anti-knuckle protection, we perform more work.


    • Open the lock of your door
    • Repair locks with breakage damage

What does Locksmith 365 do for you?

We are not only experts in anti-intrusion. We also help you with your locks:

So have you lost your keyskeys lostkeys forgottenlock broken orleft your keys on the inside of the door we can help!

Your benefits

At Locksmith 365 is all about the customer. With us, you get a lot of service for a low price. You get these benefits from us:

  • Our locksmiths always bring the right equipment. When they are with you, they go right to work.
  • We are familiar with all types of locks. Every lock we open, install and replace.
  • Are you afraid that in opening your lock we will damage your door? Don’t worry. We open your lock 100 percent damage-free.
  • The locksmiths at Locksmiths 365 have years of experience. As a result, they are very knowledgeable about locks.
  • We operate in a skilled and efficient manner. We work fast and we deliver quality.
  • At Slotemaker 365, we have helped many customers. They were very satisfied with our service.
  • You enjoy a lot of extra service with us. Our locksmiths are friendly and work hard. After they get the job done, they will be happy to help you get rid of that squeaky lock or sticking door. They will also give you advice on burglary prevention if you want it.
  • How would you like to pay? By pin, cash or by manual transfer. With us, there are several payment options.
  • You want to get in quickly. However, you are having problems with your lock. We open your lock within 8 minutes in 95% of cases. You can walk right back into your home.
  • We will be with you within 30 minutes and we will get to work right away.
  • Day or night, weekday, weekend or holiday; we are always available. Call us and we’ll come and pick your lock right away OPENING.


We are ready for anyone who needs us. Even if you do not speak Dutch well, we will help you. After all, our locksmiths speak English. This is our target audience:

  • Expats
  • Tourist
  • Companies
  • Individuals

Where does the Locksmith 365 work?

Contact details

The locksmith makes your home anti-burglary

Contact us at 06-19377776 when you have problems with your locks. Day or night, we are here for you. Feel free to stop by our office as well. This is the address:
Rustenburgerstraat 155 H
1073 EZ, Amsterdam

Frequently Asked Questions

My key broke off in my lock. How soon can you be with me?
We understand that this problem must be solved right away. That is why we are on site within 30. Within a short period of time, we completed the broken key removed from your key piece and restored your lock.

What locks does Locksmith 365 replace?
You are your house key lost and you want to keep your Have a lock replaced? Or do you just want a new lock because your old one is no longer secure? Then you need to be with us! We replace various front door locks including security locks. We replace cylinder locks, overlay locks, secondary locks, multi-point locks, keypad locks and mortise locks.

Do you also replace old locks for new locks?
Yes indeed! We replace your old ones for brand new ones locks of very high quality. Would you like additional burglar-proof locks? We also installed locks with deadbolt protection. In addition, we install locks with the SKG seal of approval, from 1 to 3 stars.

What costs a lock replacement?
Without knowing your situation, it is difficult to tell what the lock replacement cost are. However, we can tell you that a common cylinder replacement in Amsterdam and surrounding areas about 75 – 80 euros cost including everything. However, the total and final price lock replacement is not known until we are aware of your situation.

Is Locksmith 365 also available at night?
We are also available at night. We stand day and night at your service. 7 days a week. Year-round. Even on the holidays, we are at your service.

We are the locksmith for when you are locked out, have lost your keys or need other help with your locks. We are 24 hours a day available, 7 days in the week



Need help?

Do not hesitate and do not hesitate and contact us. We are happy to help you.

Scope of work

Do you live or are you temporarily in the Amsterdam area and are you looking for a locksmith? Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is ready for you, day and night. Moreover, Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is on site within 30 minutes.


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