Burglary Protection – Complete Explanation To Repel Burglars

Burglary Protection – Complete Explanation To Repel Burglars

If we compare the Netherlands with other countries, we live in a very safe country. There is no war, no oppression and crime rates are low.

Unfortunately, there are still many burglaries in the Netherlands. Well about 230 a day.

We of Locksmith Amsterdam 365 know a lot about burglary protection. We are happy to advise you on how to do more about burglary protection. 

What can you do if you fear burglary? Call Locksmith 365. We are an expert in locks and burglary protection.

Make an appointment and they will be at your doorstep in no time. Our locksmiths can install new locks or replace your old locks replaced with solid security locks.

We also provide free burglary protection advice.

Intrusion protection in general

There is much you can do to minimize the chances of a burglary:

  • Use a crack opener to keep unwanted visitors out.
  • Provide good lighting.
  • Are you leaving? Then don’t report it on social media.
  • Make sure your front door and any visitors are visible from the street and by nearby residents.
  • Get good locks installed by our locksmiths at Locksmith 365
  • An alarm system deters burglars. If your home does get broken into, the alarm system ensures that the police are with you quickly. This is more likely to catch the perpetrators.
  • One method commonly used is for burglars to drill a hole close to the keyhole and then use a wire to try to turn the key. Do not leave keys on the inside of the lock of doors and windows.
  • Angling is a method by which burglars try to get inside. They try to use an object (such as a coat hanger) through your mailbox to push the door handle down. Always lock the doors when you leave so angling does not work.
  • Be suspicious of people you don’t know well. Don’t just let them in.

Burglary protection front door

The main way into your home is your front door. Hence, it is important to do burglary protection front door. How do you ensure that burglars don’t just enter your can open door?

  • Always lock your front door when you leave.
  • Have a peephole made in the door,
    so you know who is on your doorstep.
  • Provide adequate lighting outside, especially in front of your front door.
    Burglars prefer to work in the dark so that the chances of being seen by someone are minimized.
  • Have good locks installed. Security locks are hard to crack. We at Locksmith 365 install security locks for you.

Alarm Systems

Intrusion protection - alarm

An alarm system is also an example of burglar protection front door. With an alarm system, criminals will be caught faster if they try to break into your home. An alarm system also acts as a deterrent.

Once the alarm goes off, burglars will make their way out as quickly as possible.

Importantly, the alarm should go off as soon as possible in case of burglary, but not in other cases. Of course, you don’t want the alarm blaring when you go to get a glass of water at night or as soon as an insect flies in through your open window.

If there really is a burglary, the police should be alerted quickly.

How can you have an alarm system installed that meets all those requirements? Note two certificates: the certificate from the Association of European Security Companies (VEB) and the deposit certificate from the Center for Crime Prevention and Safety.

Do business only with a security company that has one of these certifications.

Security locks

Security locks are an important part of burglary protection. The locks are made of strong and durable material and are constructed to be very difficult for burglars to open. Burglars want the job done as quickly as possible.

An average burglary lasts only 30 seconds. Homes with security locks therefore prefer to be ignored by burglars.

What types of security locks are there?

Security locks come in different shapes and sizes:

  • Accessory locks: These locks are added to a main lock to make a door more difficult to break open.
  • Mortise locks: Mortise locks are installed in or on a door. They are comparatively small, but very effective.
  • Padlocks: These locks are also called cylinder locks. Mounting locks are attached to the inside of the door mounted. The ditches were mainly placed until the 1980s and 1990s. New homes are usually equipped with different locks. This is because ordinary overlay locks are too easily opened by burglars. However, security top locks are much harder to force.
  • Multi-point locks: The special feature of multi-point locks is that they close in several places at once. By turning a key or moving the door handle, you can lock a multi-point lock at several points at once.

How do you recognize a security lock?

What is the difference between an ordinary lock and a security lock? On a security lock, you will find a logo of the Foundation for Quality Facade Construction.

The Building Quality Foundation is a completely independent organization that tests, inspects and certifies building products (such as locks).

When a lock is tested and approved, it receives a logo with a certain number of stars:

  • 1 star: burglar-resistant
  • 2 stars: heavy burglar resistance
  • 3 stars: extra heavy burglar resistance

Police Hallmark Safe Housing

The Foundation for Quality Facade Construction works with the Police Quality Mark for Safe Living. The Politie Keurmerk Veilig Wonen is a quality mark in the Netherlands and Belgium.

The Politie Keurmerk Veilig Wonen looks at whether homes meet safety and burglary protection requirements. If so, a sticker is placed visibly at front and back doors.

What must a home meet to receive the Police Quality Mark Secure Living?

  1. There is lighting at the front door.
  2. There is a good view of a visitor standing at the front door.
  3. All windows and doors that a burglar can reach are adequately secured.
  4. Approved smoke detectors are installed on each floor.
  5. The resident was informed about burglary protection.

How can Locksmith 365 help you?

Building hardware is an essential part of burglary protection. We at Locksmith 365 are a expert on locks.

We can install new and better locks for you so that your home has excellent security against burglary. That’s not the only way we can help you! We can do this for you:

Our Work Area

Our office is located in the center of Amsterdam. Our working area is therefore Amsterdam and surrounding areas. In these places our locksmiths are in no time at your location:

Our contact details

Our office is in the Pijp, close to downtown. Please feel free to visit us! We are Available 24/7 you can feel free to call us.

Phone number:06-19377776

Address: Rustenburgerstraat 155 H

Zip code: 1073 EZ, Amsterdam

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a lock replacement cost?
Without knowing your situation, it is difficult to tell what the lock replacement cost are. However, we can tell you that a common cylinder replacement in Amsterdam about 75 – 80 euros cost including everything. The total and final price lock replacement , however, is not known until we are aware of your situation.

What exactly is core pulling, or cylinder pulling?
In the case of core pulling/ cylinder pull the core/cylinder out of the lock. As a result, the lock loses its function. After a few small actions, burglars are in your home or building in no time. You can have your home or property used for this purpose secure toprevent break-ins.

How can I defend against cylinder lock pulling?
Call Locksmith 365. We install anti-niche cylinders and security fittings with anti-niche protection, with the SKG seal of approval. These security locksmake core pulling impossible. You feel 100% safe and you leave your own home or property with peace of mind.

Which anti-niche cylinder or hardware should I choose?
It doesn’t matter much what brand you buy an anti-knockout cylinder or security hardware with a core pull protection . However, it is important that they have a Have SKG seal of approval . Anti-knock cylinders and fittings with this seal are extra secure against core pulling.

What is an anti-intrusion strip?anti-intrusion strip is an ironclad barrier against a burglary in home or business premises. This system consists of two steel strips attached to door or window and frame. They hook together when closing door or window.

With anti-intrusion strips it is no longer possible to get between door and doorframe or window and window frame on the outside with tools or passes to door or window  opening. So make sure you don’t excluded become.

Are there different brands of mortise locks?

Yes, there are various front door locks such as, Cousin, Lips, Fiam, Ivana, Ikon and Zaso pen locks. This mortise locks are in most cases marked with an SKG logo.

Besides installing anti-burglar strips, what measures can I take in terms of burglary prevention?

Other measures that we recommend to you in addition to anti-burglary and anti-burglary cylinders and PKVW seals of approval to prevent a burglary are the following:

  • Go for security locks
  • Choose locks with the SKG seal of approval
  • Purchase an alarm system
  • Anti-Kickback

We are the locksmith for when you are locked out, have lost your keys or need other help with your locks. We are 24 hours a day available, 7 days in the week



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Do not hesitate and do not hesitate and contact us. We are happy to help you.

Scope of work

Do you live or are you temporarily in the Amsterdam area and are you looking for a locksmith? Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is ready for you, day and night. Moreover, Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is on site within 30 minutes.


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