Locksmith Haarlem – Within 30 Minutes With You

Locksmith Haarlem
Within 30 Minutes At You

Locksmith Haarlem wanted? Have you lost your keychain? Is your key stuck in the lock? Need a new lock? Locksmith Haarlem serves you with repair, opening and installation of locks and everything around them, including burglary prevention.

We get everywhere in Haarlem. From Schalkwijk and Old Town to Haarlem East. Locksmith Haarlem is available 24 hours a day and on site within 30 minutes. Call soon!

Customer friendly and fast

  • Within 30 minutes at your place in Haarlem
  • Performing 100% damage-free work in Haarlem
  • Reachable and available day and night in Haarlem
  • In 95% of cases in 8 minutes a closed door open anywhere in Haarlem
  • We open all types of locks in Haarlem

Locksmith Haarlem will help you with the following problems

  • Your door lock is broken
  • You are locked out
  • A key has broken off in your lock
  • You have lost your keys
  • Your keychain has been stolen
  • There has been a burglary or attempted burglary on your premises
  • Your home is not safe enough

No worries! Locksmith Haarlem understands that this can’t wait. Thousands of Haarlemmers before you had the same problem. Like them, we will help you get out of this situation quickly.

Haarlem Locksmith is at your service for problems with locks

We help you with all your problems with your locks in Haarlem. In these cases, we are at your service:

  • You accidentally locked yourself out, left the key inside or left it in the lock.
  • You have damage to your lock due to a break-in or attempted break-in.
  • Your key has been stolen or you have lost your key.
  • The lock on your door or window is broken.
  • You unlocked your lock, but the key broke in half.
  • Your key has broken.
  • Your key has been lost.
  • You want to secure your premises or home against burglary

What to do if you need locksmith Haarlem

Do you need locksmith Haarlem? Because you can’t get your door opened, because of a burglary or because you want locks replaced in Haarlem?

You do the following:

  • You call us at the following phone number: 020-8905724.
  • You explain your problem to us

We take immediate action:

  • A locksmith will be with you in Haarlem within 30 minutes
  • We perform our work quickly, efficiently and 100% damage-free
  • You get a lot of extra service
  • When Locksmith Haarlem leaves, you still benefit from a whopping 12-month warranty

Need a locksmith in Haarlem? Choose Locksmith 365

Would you like to use the services of lock service Haarlem? Why choose locksmith 365? There are lots of reasons for this. Look at all these benefits:

  • All of our workmanship comes with as much as a 12-month warranty!
  • We are always with you within 30 minutes. That’s the fast service of locksmith Haarlem.
  • We think burglary protection is very important. Your safety is close to our hearts. Our locksmiths know a lot about burglary protection and will share their knowledge with you for free.
  • You pay our fee in several ways: by debit card, by cash or by manually transferring the amount.
  • You can’t go in? Our locksmiths work very efficiently. Hence, in 95% of cases, they will have your lock open in 8 minutes.
  • Need us in the middle of the night or on a holiday? No problem, we work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to help you.

Work area Locksmith Haarlem

Locksmith 365 operates all over Haarlem:

  • Old town
  • Track Leiden
  • Haarlem-East
  • Haarlemmerhoutkwartier
  • Westbank Noorder Buiten Spaarne
  • Ter Kleef and Te Zaanen
  • Old Schoten & Spaarndam
  • Duinwijk
  • Schalkwijk

Choose secure locks in Haarlem

A lock is made to keep intruders out. However, burglars break some locks very easily.

No lock keeps burglars out 100%. On average, a burglary lasts only 30 seconds. A criminal is out the door as soon as possible. A lock that takes a lot of time and effort to force would rather be skipped by criminals. Therefore, choose secure locks in Haarlem from Locksmith Haarlem.

How do you know which locks are difficult for a burglar to break open?
Locks are inspected by the SKG (Foundation for Quality Facade Construction). This independent foundation subjects locks to a variety of tests. There are certain requirements for a lock, such as how much force it must withstand.

A lock that meets the requirements of the SKG is called a security lock. A security lock is made of stronger materials. The hardware (the metal that surrounds the lock) is thicker. Moreover, the screws are on the inside, so a burglar won’t just unscrew the hardware for a moment.

A cylinder is an essential part of a cylinder lock. It is a metal rod into which you push the key. With most cylinder locks, the cylinder can be easily pulled out. A security cylinder lock is made so that this is not possible.

The burglar resistance of a security lock
A lock that passes SKG’s tests with flying colors receives a seal of approval. The SKG also gives the lock a number of stars. You can see those stars on the seal. The stars indicate the degree to which the lock protects against burglary:

1 star: burglar-resistant
2 stars: heavy burglar resistance
3 stars: extra heavy burglar resistance

Have your locks in Haarlem replaced by Slotenmaker Haarlem

Locksmith Haarlem

Don’t have security locks on your doors and windows? Then replacing your locks is a smart idea. Replacing your locks yourself takes a lot of time and effort. Do you accidentally do it wrong? Chances are your door will be damaged. Replacing a door will cost you a lot of money.

Save the time and effort. Make an appointment with locksmith Haarlem. Professional lock service Haarlem is fast, efficient and inexpensive. You save money. Burglars prefer to ignore a house with security locks.

Haarlem Locksmith offers you all types of locks

Do you want to replace your locks in Haarlem? There is a wide variety of door locks and window locks.

Door locks come in two main categories:
Master locks: The most important lock on your door.
Accessory locks: Additional locks that a locksmith installs above or below the main lock. A secondary lock makes a door extra burglar-resistant.

Principal ditches can be divided into several types:
Regular mortise lock: This lock is placed in a cavity in the door.
Narrow mortise lock: A narrow mortise lock is comparatively tall but shallow. This lock is mainly found in plastic and metal doors.
Slip-on lock: A slip-on lock is placed on your door. This lock has a cylinder, a metal tube where you put your key. There are two types of padlocks: padlocks with a fixed cylinder and padlocks with a loose cylinder.
Ordinary multi-point lock: This lock is very convenient. In fact, this lock locks the door at 3 points or 5 points. However, you only operate the lock in one place.
Narrow-lock multi-point lock: The lock case of a narrow-lock multi-point lock is shallower and higher than a regular multi-point lock.
Keypad lock: A keypad lock is very simple. There are no SKG locks of this type. In fact, keypad locks do not protect against burglary very well.
Espagnolet: These locks can usually only be locked from the inside. This type of lock is also easily broken. There are no espagnolettes with SKG approval. There are two categories of espagnolettes: recessed espagnolettes and surface-mounted espagnolettes.

There are several types of secondary locks:
Mortise lock: A small mortise lock that is especially suitable for wooden doors.
Accessory mortise lock: An accessory mortise lock is larger and more expensive than a mortise lock. Most versions of this lock are approved by the SKG.
Accessory overlay lock: This lock is placed on the outside of the door. A secondary overlay lock is usually operated with a rotary knob on the inside.

Types of window locks:
Not only door locks, but also the right window locks are important when it comes to burglary prevention. These types of window locks are available:
Window bolt: Window bolts are placed on the window. These locks are suitable for almost all windows.
Window bars: A window tree is a simple lock. Sometimes it is used on doors.
Recessed espagnolettes: Large locks with two rods running along the window.

Locksmith Haarlem offers you all of these locks. Contact us soon and we will come to you today.

Get in touch with Locksmith 365!

Do you have any questions for us? Feel free to ask them! These are our contact details:

Phone number: 020-8905724
E-mail address: info@slotenmaker365-amsterdam.nl
Address: Rustenburgerstraat 155H
Zip code: 1073 EZ
City: Amsterdam

Get a quote!

We are the locksmith for when you are locked out, have lost your keys or need other help with your locks. We are 24 hours a day available, 7 days in the week



Need help?

Do not hesitate and do not hesitate and contact us. We are happy to help you.

Scope of work

Do you live or are you temporarily in the Amsterdam area and are you looking for a locksmith? Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is ready for you, day and night. Moreover, Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is on site within 30 minutes.


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