Secu Security – For Doors and Windows – Against burglars

Secu Security –  For Doors and Windows – Against Burglars

Doors and windows are an easy way for burglars to enter your home and commit a burglary. When you make sure your doors and windows have secu security, thieves won’t have a chance. Secure doors and windows with Secu and prevent a break-in. Locksmith 365 offers you various types of Secu security.


Secure doors and windows with Secu security

Just a screwdriver, a cow barrel or a simple bank card. That’s all a burglar needs to open your door or window and take all your personal property unashamedly.

How well are your doors and windows secured against burglars? If you choose Secu security from Locksmith 365, a burglar will no longer get it into his head to pick your door or window.

What is secu security?

Secu offers you a total package of solutions for a safe living or working environment. Secu’s products are all easy to install yourself, they are inexpensive and help you prevent a burglary. Secu’s security products are already used by many individuals, (construction) companies and housing associations.

What is the purpose of secube security?

With Secu, you prevent a break-in. You will feel safer in your home and less likely to be robbed.

Various types of Secu security

Secu1 front door

Secu has a versatile range of security products. We explain them below:1. SecuStrips

The SecuStrip is a system consisting of two strips of steel that you can attach to the door or window and to the frame. When closing the window or door, the SecuStrips hook into each other, leaving no space between the door or window and the frame. This makes it impossible to open a door or window with a screwdriver, crowbar or pass. You keep unwanted visitors out.

All types of secu strips – from secu1 to secu3
There are a number of different types of SecuStrips. We explain them for you below:

Secustrip type 1 – front door Secu1
Secu 1 is the basic model of the Secustrip. Secu 1 is suitable for inward opening doors and windows. The front door is often an inward swinging door.

Secu 3 flush for back door

Secustrip type 2 special – front door
Secu 2 is suitable for windows and doors that open inwards. The front door usually turns inward. Secu 2 is the most commonly used type of secustrip for front doors. This is because this is a narrow model and therefore fits in almost all situations. In addition, this type is also suitable for mounting on sliding doors and sliding windows and on a somewhat less straight and rigid frame.

Secustrip type 3 – back door
Secu 3 for the back door can be applied to outward opening doors or windows. Secu 3 is suitable for doors or windows that are completely flush or have a recoil* of 4 to 6 mm.

Secustrip type 3 flush – rear door
Secu3 flush is suitable for outward opening (rear) doors or windows that are completely flush with the frame.

Secustrip type 3t – back door
Secu 3t can be used on outward opening (rear) doors or windows with 0 to 30 mm recession*.

The setback is the distance from the door to the face of the frame

Secustrip type 2 alu line – front door
Type 2 alu line is suitable for inward turning (front) doors or windows. In this type, the anti-intrusion strips are made of aluminum and look sleek.

Secustrip type 3t5 alu line – rear door
Secu 3t 5 alu line has a sleek design and is applicable on outward opening (rear) doors that have 3 to 5 mm recession*.

Secustrip type 3t8 alu line – rear door
Secu strip 3t8 is suitable for outward swinging (rear) doors with 6 to 8 mm recoil*.

Secustrip type 3t20/3t23/3t26 alu line
Secustrip 3t20, 3t23 and 3t26 are suitable for outward-turning (rear) doors with a setback*.

Type 3t20: 18 to 20 mm recoil
Type 3t23: 21 to 23 mm recoil
Type 3t26: 24 to 26 mm recoil

*The setback is the distance from the door to the face of the frame.

2. SecuBar barrier bars.
With SecuBar, you stop burglars trying to break in through your window. SecuBar barrier bars ensure that no one can crawl in through your window anymore. If you choose SecuBar, you open windows day and night without danger of burglars.

3. SecuMax security
SecuMax security is specially developed for the security of doors and garage doors. For example, you choose mailbox protection against opening, window locks or anti-climb security.

4. SecuShield glass protection

With SecuShield glass protection, no one taps your window anymore. Your glass is invisibly protected thanks to SecuShield.

Secu security and more services at Locksmith 365

Locksmith 365 secures your home or commercial property with Secu and has even more to offer you.

Discover our diverse range of services:

1. We open doors

Are you standing in front of a closed door? Did you leave the key on the inside of the door? are your keys still inside? Or did you lose your set of keys on the road?

Call Locksmith 365. We open your door within 8 minutes, allowing you to get back inside quickly.

2. We replace locks

There are several reasons why you may want to replace locks. For example, because your keys were stolen, because a key broke off in the lock or because your door lock broke. We replace your locks quickly and efficiently for new ones.

3. We repair locks

Is your door lock broken? Is it no longer possible to lock or unlock it? That’s very annoying. We will repair your locks after which you will effortlessly lock and unlock them again.

4. We offer burglary prevention

Want to feel safer in your own home? Burglary prevention is a good start. With the right locks and security, burglars don’t stand a chance. Choose burglary prevention from Locksmith 365.

5. We make all your locks equal-locking

How convenient to lock all your doors with one key! Have your locks equalized by Locksmith 365. Contact us today.

6. We repair locks with breakage damage

After a break-in, repairing locks with breakage damage is necessary. A friendly locksmith from Locksmith 365 will repair your damaged locks and give you tips to prevent a break-in next time.

Target audience Locksmith 365

Would you like to take advantage of one of our services? We are available to everyone.

  • Individuals
  • Companies
  • Tourist
  • Expats
  • Airbnb

Scope of work

You use our services if you live in one of the following places:

  • Amsterdam Center

    Scope of work Locksmith 365

  • Amsterdam North
  • Amsterdam East
  • Amsterdam South-East
  • Amsterdam South
  • Amsterdam West
  • Amsterdam New West
  • IJburg
  • Westpoort
  • Diemen
  • Zaandam
  • Amstelveen
  • Haarlem

That’s why locksmith 365

That's why Locksmith 365

  • We think you deserve a lot of extra service
  • We are rated very highly by our many satisfied customers.
  • 24 hours a day we are available to you.
  • We will come to you with the right parts and necessary tools.
  • If you need us, we will be at your doorstep within 30 minutes.
  • In the field of burglary prevention, we have enormous knowledge.
  • We are skilled and work efficiently.
  • All our work is performed without causing damage to doors or windows.


Contacting Locksmith 365 is easy. Please call us at the following phone number: 06-19377776.

We then ask you about your problem and come up with an appropriate solution. Within 30 minutes we will be with you. We then help you very quickly and provide as much as a 12-month warranty on all workmanship. So contact Locksmith 365!

Frequently asked questions about Secu security

What is a secustrip?

A secustrip is a form of burglary protection. The secustrip consists of two steel strips that you can attach to doors or windows. They hook together when closing the door or window.

With this form of burglary protection, you prevent burglars from entering by flipping a card or using a crowbar or screwdriver.

What types of Secu security are there?

The Secu product range is very extensive. Overall, Secu security can be divided into four different categories:

Secustrips make it impossible to open a door or window with a screwdriver, crowbar or pass. Unwanted visitors do not enter.

SecuBar barrier bars
With SecuBar barrier bars, no one crawls in through your window anymore. The advantage is that you can safely leave your windows open during the day and night without the risk of a break-in.

SecuMax security
With SecuMax security you secure (garage) doors. Some possibilities: mailbox protection against unhooking, window locks, garage door security or anti-climb security.

SecuShield glass protection
With SecuShield glass protection, no one taps your window anymore. With SecuShield, your glass is invisibly protected.

What measures can I all take to prevent a burglary?

Locksmith 365 recommends the following measures for burglary prevention:

  • Have Secu Security installed
  • Have security locks installed by Locksmith 365
  • Choose locks that possess the SKG seal of approval
  • Provide lighting at both front and back doors
  • Have an alarm system installed

We are the locksmith for when you are locked out, have lost your keys or need other help with your locks. We are 24 hours a day available, 7 days in the week



Need help?

Do not hesitate and do not hesitate and contact us. We are happy to help you.

Scope of work

Do you live or are you temporarily in the Amsterdam area and are you looking for a locksmith? Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is ready for you, day and night. Moreover, Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is on site within 30 minutes.


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