Key In Lock Broken Off? Locksmith 365 Helps Directly!

Key In Lock Broken Off?

Is your key broken off in lock? Fear not. Call Locksmith Amsterdam 365 and help will come.

Rest assured, this is very common.

Perhaps your key has broken off in lock house and you are outside in front of a closed door.

Or you have succeeded and are inside your house, but the lock no longer works and you need to get the broken key out of lock.

Usually when your key is broken in lock, it is usually because of a cheap copy key and not because of the lock.

As a result, we can almost always remove the broken key from lock. And you can use your lock as always.

Please note that if you try to remove the key from the lock yourself without training or proper tools, it is very likely that this will result in a damaged cylinder or lock that needs to be completely replaced.

Therefore, we recommend you to call our friendly locksmith, who will easily and quickly remove the key from the lock, avoiding you unnecessary costs.

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What you will find on this page

Key broken off in lock door

If you have a key broken off in lock house, you have two choices:

  • Getting your broken key out of lock yourself
  • Getting your key out of lock by a locksmith

How do you get a broken key out of the lock yourself?

There are several ways to remove broken key from lock yourself:

  • Take a piece of welding wire of the thinnest kind. Bend a short hook at the end of the thread. Push the welding wire through a slot on the side of the lock. Turn and try to get under the key with the hook. Pull the welding wire and you have a chance that the key will come out.
  • Put a small drop of super glue against the broken part of the lock. Hold the other part of the key against the broken part of the key for a few moments.
  • Using a thin rod, push back the key from the other side. This only works for certain locks.

None of these methods always works. Often you spend a lot of time and effort for nothing. It is better to call a locksmith.

The locksmith removes your broken key from the lock

Is your key broken off in the lock? Then call Locksmith 365. We are always beside you within 30 minutes. We take out the broken part of your key. We then open your lock. Any lock we open with ease. Even security locks have our locksmiths open in no time.

Key broken

Sometimes your key is broken off in lock. However, there are many other ways your key can be broken.

Maybe your key breaks because you sit down with your key in your back pocket.

Locksmith 365 not only helps you if your key is broken in lock.

Did your key break in some other way? Then we will help you, too.

One key for all your locks

A different key for every lock in your home. Have you? Not very practical. You drag around a huge bunch of keys.

A keychain is quite heavy and also takes up a lot of space.

Fortunately, Locksmith 365 provides a convenient service. We make all your locks equal-locking. What does that mean? All your locks open with one key. So no more lugging around awkwardly large sets of keys.

We recommend that you always have a spare key. Always take the spare key with you. Has your key been lost, misplaced or even stolen? You always have an extra key to go inside.

Key stolen

Imagine this: your key has been stolen. What do you do then? Beware! The person who stole your key would like to enter your home. And what stands in his or her way?

The thief simply puts the key in the lock and he or she steps right into your home. Super for the criminal. A disaster for you.

Have your keys been stolen? Call Locksmith 365 as soon as possible. We get there and we are there in just 30 minutes. We replace your lock. The thief who stole your keys will no longer be able to enter your home.

Lock broken

We not only help you if your key is broken, but also if your lock is broken. The locksmiths at Locksmith 365 will repair your lock. By the way, they repair all types of locks; such as mortise locks, security locks and overlay locks.

When will Locksmith 365 help you?

We at Locksmith 365 are at your service if you are sitting with the following problems:

  • Is your key broken?
  • Do you have damage to your lock because someone broke into your home or tried to break in?
  • Is your key broken off in lock?
  • Would you like to open all your locks with the same key?
  • Is your lock broken?
  • Did you lock yourself out?

Your benefits

Locksmith 365 has a lot to offer you. We provide excellent service. These benefits :

  • We will have your door open quickly. In 95% of the times, you will walk back into your home within 8 minutes.
  • Pick up the phone and give us a call. We will be with you within half an hour.
  • Are you standing on the sidewalk at 2:30 in the morning and your door won’t open with any possibility? Fortunately, we are always ready to help you. We are available 24 hours a day. On holidays and weekends, we work as usual. Call us whenever you need us. We will come right away.
  • You always pay fixed, low rates at Locksmith 365
  • Our locksmiths always follow an efficient and skilled procedure. We always deliver quality whether we replace, open or repair your lock.
  • Thanks to the years of experience of our locksmiths, they have a lot of expertise. They know all types of locks. Whatever type of lock you have, our locksmiths open them, repair them and replace them with ease.
  • We have already made many customers happy with the high quality we deliver. Did you know that Locksmith 365 has already helped more than 10,000 people?
  • Our locksmiths are happy to help you. For example, they will help you get rid of a sticking door completely free of charge or they will give you useful information about burglary protection.

Scope of work

We work in the Amsterdam area and also in the capital city itself. These are the places where we help you:

  • Amsterdam Center

  • Amsterdam North
  • Amsterdam East
  • Amsterdam South-East
  • Amsterdam South
  • Amsterdam West
  • Amsterdam New West
  • IJburg
  • Westpoort
  • Diemen
  • Zaandam
  • Amstelveen
  • Haarlem


We help anyone who needs our help. Our locksmiths also speak English. Do you find speaking Dutch difficult? Then speak to us in English.

Who do we help:

  • Individuals
  • Companies
  • Tourist
  • Expats

Contact details

Would you like to make an appointment with us? These are our contact details:

Phone number: +31 85 301 3289

Address: Alblasstraat 11-1

Zip code: 1079 ZG

Location: Amsterdam

For questions, complaints or comments, you are also always welcome to contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Suddenly my key broke off in the lock. What do I do now?

Above all, do not worry, Locksmith 365 is ready to fix your problem. Is your key broken off in lock? Call us at +31 85 301 3289 and we are coming.

I would like more information about burglary prevention. Where do I find that?
Check out this section of our site. There we tell you how best to secure your home against burglary. The police also provide lots of information on burglary prevention.

Do you also open security locks?
Yes definitely. Our locksmiths have successfully opened countless security locks. Make an appointment and we’ll get there.

I have a cylinder lock. Is it true that burglars break cylinder locks very easily?
Cylinder locks are easy to force. Burglar-proof locks have a special seal of approval, the SKG seal of approval. An SKG seal consists of the letters “SKG” with a type of triangle above it with 1 to 3 stars. Doesn’t your lock have an SKG seal? Then it is best to have your lock replaced with one with an SKG certification.

I would like to have a new lock installed by Locksmith 365. What locks do I have a choice of?
From every lock on the market. We will order any lock you want.

I can’t get into my house anymore. What should I do now?
Follow this roadmap:

Step 1: Call us at the following phone number:
+31 85 301 3289
. Explain your problem. We are always available so it doesn’t matter when you call.

Step 2: In half an hour, a friendly locksmith will be at your door.

Step 3: Your lock will be opened 100% damage-free. Your door and your lock remain in one piece.

Step 4: We verify that you are really the owner of the property or office. This prevents criminals from using our service.

Step 5: Choose extra service! Has that squeaky door been bothering you for a long time? Completely free of charge, we will help you get rid of it. We also provide you with free expert advice on burglary protection.

How do I keep burglars out?
There are a number of ways to deter burglars:

  • Most important are good locks. Make sure both your doors and your windows are properly secured. Choose hardware with the SKG seal of approval. The SKG seal of approval is for burglar-proof locks.
  • Place lights on the outside of your home. Burglars avoid light.
  • Notify your neighbors if you are going away for a while.
  • Install an alarm system by a certified security company.
  • Do not put stairs and containers close to your home. Burglars often use it as a stepping stone to get onto your roof.
  • Always lock windows and doors when you leave home.
  • Are you going on vacation? A dirty plate, a saved newspaper on the table and lights on in the house create a lived-in impression.

We are the locksmith for when you are locked out, have lost your keys or need other help with your locks. We are 24 hours a day available, 7 days in the week



Need help?

Do not hesitate and do not hesitate and contact us. We are happy to help you.

Scope of work

Do you live or are you temporarily in the Amsterdam area and are you looking for a locksmith? Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is ready for you, day and night. Moreover, Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is on site within 30 minutes.


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