Keys Lost? Opening And Replacing Your Lock

Keys Lost? Opening And Replacing Your Lock

You have lost your keys. That, of course, is not nice. It is impossible for you to enter your home. There is another disadvantage if you have lost your keys. Maybe someone will find them who means harm. Thanks to your keys, that person will be inside your house in no time.  Locksmith 365 will open and replace your lock. Your problems disappear like snow in the sun.

Table of contents

1. You have lost your keys and your lock is closed

2. Your lost key in the wrong hands

3. Lost your key what now?

4. Different types of burglars

5. What methods do burglars use and what do you do about it?

6. How do you deter burglars?

7. Police Hallmark Secure Housing

8. Burglar-proof locks

9. Replacing locks

10. Work

11. Plus points of Locksmith 365

12. Target

13. Where does Locksmith 365 go to work?

14. Contact

You have lost your keys and your lock is locked

Your key has been lost. You lost him. Your first problem is: how does your lock open without a key? There is an easy solution: call Locksmith 365. We will come to you in half an hour. Your lock will be opened and you will walk right back in.

Your lost keys in the wrong hands

Someone may have found your keys. The person is a good citizen and delivers the keys to the police station. Maybe it goes another way: the person has nefarious plans and keeps the key himself. In that case, you are screwed. The person who has your keys will try to enter your home within a short time and rob your house.

Lost your key what now?

It is very annoying when you have lost your key. What do you do in that case? Here is a roadmap for when your key is lost:

  • Step 1: Call Locksmith Amsterdam 365 via 06-19377776. Tell us what your situation is. You can always reach us, even in the middle of the night or on holidays.
  • Step 2: We will be next to you within 30 minutes. We have all the necessary tools with us and we get right to work.
  • Step 3: In 95% of cases, we will have your lock open within 8minutes . We also replace your locks. Choose your new lock yourself.
  • Step 4: We verify that you are actually the owner of the property or office. In these ways, it is impossible for criminals to use our services.
  • Step 5: You will receive additional service, such as up to 12 months warranty on all workmanship.
  • Step 6: Enjoy our regular  low prices . You choose whether to pay the amount in cash, transfer it manually or pin it.

Different types of burglars

There are two different types of burglars:

  • Professional burglars
  • Occasional burglars

Professional burglars are relatively rare. They prepare well and only go for a big haul. Unless you live in a large villa, you don’t have to worry about professional burglars.

The largest group of burglars are occasional burglars. They do not make elaborate plans to enter a house. They look around the street at dark corners and poorly secured houses. Opportunity burglars are lightning fast: within 30 seconds they have the job done.

What methods do burglars use and what do you do about it?

Burglar at work

There are a number of methods burglars commonly use. Fortunately, you can guard against them:

Breaking and pulling out the cylinder

Do you have a cylinder lock? A cylinder lock works with a metal tube called the cylinder. With certain tools, criminals break the cylinder and then pull it out. They  sometimes pull the cylinder right out, too. Burglars then only need to give the door a gentle push.

Replace your cylinder lock with a cylinder lock with SKG seal of approval with 2 or 3 stars(more information on this seal can be found below). These locks are more difficult to break open.


Burglars sometimes pull your door open through the mailbox. How do they do that? They take a coat hanger and push it through the mailbox. With the coat hanger, they then pull down the door handle.

If you lock the door behind you, opening a door by angling is impossible

Doorbell trick

Burglars sometimes use an excuse to get into your home. For example, they pretend to be from the water supply company.

Be suspicious of strangers. We recommend that you always ask for proof of identity before letting a stranger into your home.

Drill hole

Burglars drill a hole under your window or door lock. They use an iron wire bent at the end into a hook. The burglar pushes iron wire into the hole and tries to turn the key and/or open the window latch.

You can prevent this by always locking your doors and windows when you leave.


Criminals sometimes enter through open doors and windows. They need very little time. Sometimes all it takes is a quick trip upstairs and a burglar seizes his or her opportunity.

Always lock your doors and windows when you leave or are upstairs for a while.


Flipping is a burglary method in which criminals use a pass to get in. A burglar slides the pass between the door and the frame.

We recommend that you always lock your door and remove the key from the lock.

Kick down the door or window

An old and effective burglary method is to kick in a door or window.

How do you prevent burglars from entering your home by kicking in a door or window? There are ways to reinforce your door or window. Install additional locks or install a sturdier door or window.

How do you deter burglars?

There are a number of ways to discourage burglars from breaking into your home:

  • Burglars like the dark. So provide light on the outside of your home.
  • It usually takes little effort for burglars to break open a sliding door. Install a special security lock for sliding doors
  • For example, leave a dirty plate on the table, put down an open book and turn on lamps. This way it looks like there are people in the house when you are away.
  • Put trash cans behind your house. Burglars like to use them as a kind of kitchen ladder to climb onto the roof. Do you have multiple trash cans? Then attach them to each other.
  • Put locks on your windows and doors that are difficult to force.
  • Are your upstairs windows easily accessible from the outside? Therefore, provide those windows with burglar-resistant hardware as well.
  • If your home is adequately secured against burglary, you qualify for the Secured Home certificate. You get stickers. Stick them visibly at your front and back doors. Criminals prefer to ignore a property with a seal of approval.

Police Hallmark Safe Housing

The Politie Keurmerk Veilig Wonen (PKVW) was created to reduce the number of burglaries in the Netherlands and Belgium. There are separate PKVW companies scattered throughout the Netherlands and Belgium.

There is a special certificate Secure Home. That certificate often gets you a discount on your contents insurance. Moreover, homes with the certificate are twice as likely to be burglarized. How do you apply for a Secured Dwelling certificate?

  • Step 1: Make an appointment with a PKVW company. A PKVW company will tell you what measures you need to take to get an inspection mark.
  • Step 2: Implement the recommended measures yourself or have it done by a PKWV company.
  • Step 3: A PKVW company checks if your home meets the requirements. Is that so? Then you will receive the Secure Dwelling certificate and the stickers with the text “recognized Police Quality Mark Safe Living” on them.
  • Step 4: Send a copy of the certificate to your insurance company. The certificate gets you a discount on your household insurance. Usually you get a discount for ten years, the duration of the certificate.

Burglar-proof locks

Burglar-proof locks are a requirement for the Secure Home certificate. A burglar-resistant lock has an SKG seal of approval. The Building Quality Foundation examines whether a lock is easily forced. Is a lock sufficiently resistant to burglary? Then it receives an SKG seal of approval.

The SKG gives each approved lock 1 to 3 stars:

  • 1 star: Burglar-proofSKG3@2x
  • 2 stars: Heavily burglar-resistant
  • 3 stars: Extra heavy burglar resistance

Replacing locks

Do you also want locks with the SKG seal of approval? Have your locks replaced with new, burglar-proof locks. Even if you have lost your keys, it is helpful to replace your locks.

Locksmith 365 replaces all your locks for a cheap rate. We do it quickly and we always do a good job. You choose your new lock. As icing on the cake, you get up to a whopping 12-month warranty on our workmanship. At Locksmith 365, you get a lot of service!


Keys lost - call locksmith 365

Locksmith 365 performs all kinds of locksmith work:

  • We repair locks with breakage damage
  • We open locks
  • We replace locks
  • We repair locks
Plus points of Locksmith 365

If you choose Locksmith 365, you will benefit greatly:

  • You need help quickly. Fortunately, we are within 30 minutes at your location and we get right down to business.
  • We open your doors 100% damage-free. So you don’t have to worry about damaging your door.
  • Locksmith 365 works in the most effective way. We always deliver craftsmanship.
  • You will enjoy excellent service with us. For example, we give you free expert advice on burglary protection and also help you get rid of your jamming door completely free of charge.
  • Lots of customers have already been helped by Locksmith 365. We have already made tens of thousands of customers happy. Will you be next?
  • You enjoy our low rates.
  • Did you know that the locksmiths at Locksmith 365 have experience with have all the locks ? They replace, install and open all types of locks.
  • You obviously have something better to do than stand in front of a closed door. That’s why we open your door quickly. In 95% of the times, one of our locksmiths will have your lock opened within 8 minutes. You will be back inside in no time.
  • Payment at Locksmith 365 can be made in several ways: by pin, cash or manual transfer.
  • Our locksmiths have years of experience. They are true experts on locks.
  • We always have the right tools. When we are with you, this allows us to start immediately.
  • You can always make an appointment with us. We are available 24/7.


The clients we help are very diverse. Do you speak English better than Dutch? Then talk to us in English. This is our target audience:

  • Expats
  • Tourist
  • Individuals
  • Companies

Where does Locksmith 365 go to work?

Our locksmiths work in Amsterdam and the surrounding area:

  • Amsterdam Center
  • Amsterdam North
  • Amsterdam East
  • Amsterdam South-East
  • Amsterdam South
  • Amsterdam West
  • Amsterdam New West
  • IJburg
  • Westpoort
  • Diemen
  • Zaandam
  • Amstelveen
  • Haarlem


Call us if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, call or visit . These are our contact details:

Phone number:06 159 597 20


Address: Alblasstraat 11-1

Zip code: 1079 ZG

Location: Amsterdam

We are the locksmith for when you are locked out, have lost your keys or need other help with your locks. We are 24 hours a day available, 7 days in the week



Need help?

Do not hesitate and do not hesitate and contact us. We are happy to help you.

Scope of work

Do you live or are you temporarily in the Amsterdam area and are you looking for a locksmith? Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is ready for you, day and night. Moreover, Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is on site within 30 minutes.


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