House locked out: Locksmith 365 gets you inside in no time

House locked out: Locksmith 365 gets you inside in no time

Locked-out house

Locked-out house

You left the key inside and you are outside. You cannot get in because you have locked yourself out of your house. Who is helping you? The Locksmith in Amsterdam 365! By the way, we do much more for you. Not only if you are locked out of your home, but also, for example, if your lock is broken or if you want new locks.

Shutting myself out

“Oh, no, I locked myself out!” You have nothing to be ashamed of at all. This can happen to anyone. There are several conceivable reasons why you are locked out:

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Table of contents

Leaving key inside

You left your key inside while you yourself were outside. A big problem? Fortunately, no. You call Locksmith 365 at +31-853013295. In 30 minutes, a locksmith will be beside you ready to get to work. Did you know that our locksmith will open your lock in as many as 95% of cases within 8 minutes?

Unlocked key in lock

Unlocked key in lock

Unlocked key in lock

Your key is on the inside of your lock and you are outside. An annoying situation. After all, it is impossible for you to enter. What should you do now? Call Locksmith 365. The fact that your key is on the inside of your lock is not a problem for us. We also open your lock without damaging your door.

The key broke off in the lock

Sometimes a key breaks off in the lock. This is very difficult. It is almost impossible to get the key out of the lock. What are you doing? Make an appointment with Locksmith 365 and we will be with you in no time. In no time, one of our locksmiths will have your lock open. You walk right back in.

Your lock is broken

A broken lock has several possible causes. Your lock may be old and rusty or worn. Another possibility is that someone broke in or tried to. Whatever the reason, Locksmith 365 will help you out. Before you know it, you will be back inside and have an optimally functioning lock.

Your key is lost

People often lose all kinds of things. Important papers, their cell phone and, of course, their key. Have you lost your key? Don’t panic. Everything will be fine again. Make an appointment and a locksmith from Locksmith 365 will arrive. The locksmith opens your lock and you walk back in, whether you find your key again or not.

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You have lost your key

House locked out - key lost

House locked out – key lost

Suddenly, your key is gone. You lost your key somewhere. But where? And how to proceed? Present your situation to Locksmith 365 and your problems will melt away like snow in the sun. At lightning speed, we will come to you and open your door.

Your key has been stolen

Has your key been stolen? The biggest problem is not that you have now lost your key, but that someone else now has your key. Assume that the person with your key will be inside your home within a short period of time, stealing anything and everything that is loose. Call Locksmith 365. We help in two ways:

Option 1: We open your lock. Whatever lock you have, our experienced locksmiths will always open it. Even a security lock is no trouble at all for them. Also, our locksmith can provide home security.

Option 2: We replace your locks so that whoever stole your key cannot possibly get inside your home.

Replacing locks

In these cases, it is smart to have your locks replaced:

  • Your locks are worn or rusted.
  • Your key is broken.
  • Your key has been stolen.
  • Your locks are not sufficiently resistant to burglary.

In the latter situation, we at Locksmith 365 will replace your lock with a security lock. A security lock is a lock with the SKG seal of approval.

What is the SKG seal of approval?

SKG is the abbreviation for Foundation for Quality Facade Construction. This foundation tests various construction products, such as locks. For example, locks are tested for durability. Only if the lock meets the high requirements set by the SKG will it receive a logo.

The logo consists of the letters SKG with a triangle above it with a ® sign behind it. In the triangle are 1, 2 or 3 stars. What do the stars mean?

  • 1 star: burglar-resistant
  • 2 stars: heavy burglar resistance
  • 3 stars: extra heavy burglar resistance

Do you think several minutes of burglar resistance is not enough to secure your belongings? Nothing could be further from the truth. If a burglar does not succeed in entering your house within a few minutes, he will choose another house to make his move. A secustrip helps you to bridge this time.

Burglary Prevention

Good locks on your doors is just one form of burglary prevention. There are many other ways to protect your home from burglary:

  • Do not attach an address label to your keychain
  • Look for ladders, containers or other tools near your home that allow burglars to easily climb inside your home.
  • Put valuable papers and jewelry in a safe.
  • Provide lighting at your front and back doors. Burglars like to operate in the dark.
  • Sliding doors are very susceptible to burglary. Place a special lock for this purpose.
  • Don’t hide your keys outside. Burglars will look for these and are sure to find the keys.
  • Don’t keep large amounts of cash in the house.
  • Notify your neighbors when you go on vacation. Also, leave lights on or install a timer. For example, put a dirty cup on the table to make sure your home looks lived in.

Locks are an essential part of burglary protection. A door that is unlocked or has a very bad lock attracts burglars. Don’t just put good locks on your doors, don’t forget your windows.

Locked out house what next?

The door is closed and whatever you do; it stays closed. You are locked out of your home what now? Follow this roadmap and you’ll be back inside in no time:

Step 1: You have a problem where you need a locksmith.

Step 2: Call the best locksmith in Amsterdam and surrounding areas at +31-853013295.

Step 3: A locksmith will be with you within half an hour.

Step 4: We investigate whether you are actually the owner of the home or office.

Step 5: The locksmith gets to work. Our locksmiths install locks, replace locks, repair, restore and open locks.

Step 6: Would you like additional service? You can. We are happy to educate you on burglary prevention or fix that squeaky or jamming door.

Step 7: You pay our low fees by debit card, cash or manual transfer.

Step 8: We give you up to a whopping 12 months warranty on all workmanship.

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Request a quote? Email your inquiry to You will receive a response within 4 hours. Our prices are according to our terms and conditions.

In what situations does Locksmith 365 help you?

We at Locksmith 365 have years of experience in the field of locks. In the following situations, we are very happy to help you:

  • Locked out? The locksmiths at Locksmith 365 will open any lock (including security locks).

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Request a quote? Email your inquiry to You will receive a response within 4 hours. Our prices are according to our terms and conditions.

The many plus points of Locksmith 365

We have a lot to offer you:

  • Enjoy our bargain rates.
  • Efficient, skilled working method. The locksmith goes straight to work and does everything very competently. If you let us open, replace orrepair your lock, you can be sure it will be done right.
  • Within 30 minutes, we are always beside you to help you.
  • Do you need us? We are always here for you. On weekends, holidays, late at night, early in the morning. Locksmith 365 is available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
  • Your lock will open in no time. We will have your lock open in 8 minutes 95% of the time.
  • Our locksmiths have many years of experience and therefore a lot of knowledge and expertise.
  • We always have a purposeful way of working. You will be amazed at the results.
  • Your lock is infrequent or do you have a very solid security lock? We have experience with all types of locks. No lock presents a problem for us.
  • When we come to you, we always have the right equipment and materials with us. We get right to work.
  • You get a lot of extra service. For example, we would be happy to visit you to inform you about burglary protection. What does this cost? Nothing at all! We’ll also help you get rid of that squeaky door or that jamming lock for free.
  • We give you up to a whopping 12 months warranty on all workmanship.
  • Many customers have already been helped by Locksmith 365. They were very satisfied. Will you be our next customer?
  • Free service. Besides providing you with free anti-burglary advice according to PKVW guidelines, you will enjoy many other additional services. For example, have you been irritated by that jamming or squeaky door for years? Our friendly locksmiths will help you get rid of this. We are committed to 100% customer satisfaction.

REQUEST A QUOTE +31 85 301 3295

Request a quote? Email your inquiry to You will receive a response within 4 hours. Our prices are according to our terms and conditions.

Scope of work

In the Pijp, near the city center, is our office. We come to you in a wide area. We operate in Amsterdam and surrounding areas:

Scope of work Locksmith 365

Scope of work Locksmith 365


Feel free to come to us with all your questions and comments. Our contact information is:

Phone number: +31-853013295

Email address:

Address: Alblasstraat 11-1

Zip code: 1079 ZG

Location: Amsterdam

REQUEST A QUOTE +31 85 301 3295

Request a quote? Email your inquiry to You will receive a response within 4 hours. Our prices are according to our terms and conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an anti-intrusion strip?

An anti-intrusion strip is a rock-solid barrier against a break-in at home or business premises. This system consists of two steel strips attached to door or window and frame. They hook together when closing door or window.

With anti-intrusion strips, it is no longer possible to get between door and doorframe or window and window frame on the outside with tools or passes to open door or window.

Are there different brands of mortise locks?

Yes, there are different front door locks such as, Nemef, Lips, Fiam, Ivana, Ikon and Zaso mortise locks. In most cases, these mortise locks come with an SKG logo.

Do you also replace other types of locks?

We will replace your cylinder lock with a better and new cylinder lock or we will change your cylinder lock with another lock. To secure your home against burglary. What kind of locks are there besides a cylinder lock?

  • A mortise lock: Mortise locks are much smaller than most locks. However, despite its small size, this lock is very effective against burglary.
  • A multi-point lock: This lock locks your door in several places at once while operating it from one point.
  • An espagnolette: Lockable only from the inside. Therefore, the lock is often used only on balcony and exterior doors. It locks at the bottom and top and is operated with a door handle.

Besides installing anti-burglar strips, what measures can I take in terms of burglary prevention?

Other measures we recommend in addition to anti-intrusion strips and anti-knockout cylinders to prevent a break-in are the following:

  • Go for security locks
  • Choose locks with the SKG seal of approval
  • Purchase an alarm system
  • Anti-Kickback

We are the locksmith for when you are locked out, have lost your keys or need other help with your locks. We are 24 hours a day available, 7 days in the week



Need help?

Do not hesitate and do not hesitate and contact us. We are happy to help you.

Scope of work

Do you live or are you temporarily in the Amsterdam area and are you looking for a locksmith? Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is ready for you, day and night. Moreover, Locksmith Amsterdam 365 is on site within 30 minutes.


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